For His Glory History
How This Revolutionary Model
For Transformation Developed
In 2006 Rob Welch followed the Lord’s leading and established For His Glory. Our ministry is dedicated to helping reignite Jesus’ mission of bringing the Kingdom of God into manifestation on earth.
We help foster transformation in cities and nations by following Jesus’ example of using large gatherings, such as the Sermon on the Mount. We combined this with training believers on how to make disciples who make disciples, as Jesus did with His twelve apostles.
Our model is revolutionary because it draws from Jesus’ example of synthesizing the harvest impact of large evangelistic gatherings, which we call festivals, with the launch of disciple-making movements through the revolutionary Training for Trainers (T4T) disciple-making model.
The evangelistic festivals help create unity among the churches in a city and region, which also facilitates the leading of tens of thousands of people to Christ. These new believers are invited to participate in a T4T discipleship group in their community. In these T4T groups, new disciples are trained in how to lead others to Christ and to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Once this model of T4T is adopted, indigenous, self-sustaining, disciple-making movements are launched that will transform cities and nations for Christ.
For His Glory began with the vision God gave Rob Welch nearly twenty years ago. The ministry now has 20 employees, 8 full-time and 12 part-time, and is now being used by the Lord to reach many nations with the Gospel and has seen millions of people receive Christ.