Over 60,000 Receive Christ In Rwanda
Over 60,000 People Receive Christ in Muhanga, Rwanda:
Evangelist Rob Welch had the opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus’ love and
forgiveness to hundreds of thousands of people in the city of Muhanga, Rwanda during the 5-
day festival there.
The festival opened with the mayor encouraging the crowd to receive Jesus so that their lives
can be transformed by His presence in their lives.
The Chief of Police followed by telling the audience that they should receive Christ the way Saul
in the book of Acts in the Bible as he went from persecuting Christians but later became Paul,
who led many to become follower of Jesus.
Rob Welch’s messages drew most of the crowd to faith in Christ and we collected over 60,000
decision cards from those who received the Lord. However, we believe that over 100,000
people came to faith in Jesus during the festival due to the response to the Gospel we observed
each evening.
While we were in Muhanga, our team worked with the leaders of over 100 churches who
demonstrated their commitment to implementing the Training for Trainers (T4T) disciple-
making model to reach their city for Christ.
We believe that a T4T discipleship movement has been launched in the city and region of
Muhaga, Rwanda and that thousands will be receiving Christ every month!
This was an amazing mission and great start in reaching all the nation of Rwanda for Christ!